Thursday, December 8, 2016

5 Websites

Projector in the Forest
I learned that a powerful projector can actually illuminate things in nature.
This is my favorite photo from the site because I like the way the mushrooms look like they're glowing. A rule of photography I noticed in this photo is simplicity. The photographer did a really good job of  focusing on the subject and getting a clean, simple background. The photo was taken by Tarek Mawad. In the video I saw on the website, I saw how they set up the projector and found different locations to photograph. I learned that you can make wildlife glow with a projector.

Spiral Staircases: Something I learned from this website was that spiral staircases have surprising beauty.
This is my favorite picture because I've always been intrigued by abandon industrial buildings. A photography rule I saw in this picture leading lines. The spiral of the staircase really leads my eyes all the way down to the bottom. The picture was taken by Christian Richter somewhere in Europe. Some other things I saw on the website were spiral staircases from many other abandon buildings in Europe. This site related to photography because this guy went out and took pictures with a camera.

Time-lapse of Rio: At this website I watched a time-lapse of Rio de Janero over many days. It was very interesting to see everything sped up and experience the cities beauty in a new way. Apparently the video was for Panasonic to use as an ad for their new 4k ultra-HD TVs. Joe Capra was the photographer and he has many other beautiful time-lapses. I learned that a normal time-lapse shoot takes about 30 minutes and that 240 frames makes about 10 seconds of video.

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